
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A Resolution...That Has Nothing To Do With Losing Weight

Now that I don't have to worry about getting homework done or cramming for a test, I've found that I have a lot more free time than I once did. So one of my new year's resolutions is to read a book a week (within reason, of course). I grabbed a bunch of books on the free shelf at the public library over the course of the summer but didn't have time to get through them all once school started. This is the book I'm currently reading:
THE STORY OF FOUR WOMEN . . .Years ago, they were girls, not women–the last generation of American females to be called 'girls'–who traveled down the Mississippi River . . . on a makeshift raft while they were on summer vacation . . . There were twelve of them on that trip; now there are these four, brought together by tragedy. One of their classmates . . . has died in an automobile wreck (was it really an accident?), and her husband has asked the old friends to re-create the river journey and scatter her ashes at the mouth of the Mississippi. . . . It's a reunion of classmates with all of the in-between revealed in intimate detail, as only a skilled and classy storyteller can do it."

—The Boston Globe
So far it is a really good book but I'm only half way through it so I'll have to wait until the end to come to my full conclusion.

Anybody have any other books they liked and would suggest I check out? 

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