
Sunday, July 8, 2012


Every time I log onto Facebook I see at least one picture of a ring and newly engaged couple or of somebody telling the world they are pregnant! Seriously though...I see at minimum of one new announcement every day. Oofta...I guess I'm too busy working my life away to do either of those things...but then again it would mean I'm not all that awesome either because I'm working all the time...whatevs.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Odds and Ends

So I seem to blog a lot all at once...and then none at all. So much for trying to be consistent, sometimes I fail, fail hard at life (blogging life that is!). I'm not sure if many people even give a hoot whether I blog or not, I'm pretty sure I'm the only one reading it on a regular basis :)

Anyway, here is a recap of the past couple of weeks in my oh-so-exciting life (NOT)...

Dislocated: The reason I got distracted from blogging is work...mainly, I got hurt at work. Everyone knows that where I work has hazardous conditions, what with children trying to land a punch to my face, run away from us outside, or attempting to urinate on us in the safety room. But a couple Sundays ago, one kid got me good and I ended up in the ER. I've always worried about my knee (I tore my meniscus last summer) but never told the children because they will take advantage of any sign of weakness in the staff and try to exploit it. I was dealing with an unruly child who was wielding a broom this particular morning and he ended up kicking me in the knee and dislocating it on the spot. I heard some grinding in my knee...and then POP! Out it went. I went down like a ton of bricks. Thankfully my lovely coworkers grabbed the unruly child and hauled him away, while the other children surrounded me, freaking out and wondering if I was okay (maybe they have souls after all?!?).  I hobbled over to a couch and immediately started icing it after someone called the nurse. I had to stay at work until a replacement was able to come in and take my spot, and I was in so much pain! It started swelling up right away, which is never good for me and my crappy knees. Once my replacement arrived, I drove myself to the ER (as no one was available to transport me there) and limped into the ER. They took an X-ray and found that my hairline fracture in my patella (from ANOTHER previous injury) had gotten worse and that's what the grinding noise was. They did not do an MRI because those are expensive and workman's comp (yay! 2 workman's comp claims in the past year!) refuses to pay for them unless your leg is bent the wrong way or dangling like a limp noodle.

seriously, two knee injuries in one year, I'm awesome!


My knee has gotten better in the past couple of weeks, thanks to my physical therapist and not having to go hands at work. I do still think its not 100%, but I have a feeling it won't ever be and I'll probably need a knee replacement by the time I'm 28!

Officially an Alum: On a more upbeat ISU license plates came in! They were part of my graduation gift from my parents, and I think they had to swallow some of their pride when they bought them as they are both Hawkeye fans (but I think I'm slowly wearing down my dad!). 

Go State!

My mom says I'm no longer allowed to speed because personalized plates will attract the po-po  more than regular license plates...riiiight. 

Getting Organized: I'll be moving to a new apartment in a couple weeks and could not be more excited (hello dishwasher! hello washer and dryer in the apartment!).  I've been slowly and surely going through closets, books, desks, cupboards, etc. in order to get ready for the move by donating and throwing things out. One project I'm going to tackle to today is the organization of all my paperwork. For the past couple of years all my bills, medical info, job resumes and certifications, insurance claims... have all been in a closet loosely piled and gathering dust. I'm not really sure how I haven't lost anything to be honest. So I went to Target and found these cute file folders and expanding folder that will help me get everything organized and in one place, plus making sure nothing gets lost in the move!

I love Target and all their adorable stuff!

Growing up... I guess: While I was making a run to Goodwill to drop off stuff I wanted to donate, I decided to stop in and look around. Depending on the day, Goodwill can have really cool, unique stuff...or it can be full of junk. I got lucky and found these neat looking ceramic plates, and they were an awesome deal! 4 plates and 3 three bowls for $5! 

The main reason I picked them up is I'm trying to transition from my college type plastic plates/bowls/cups and move toward a more adult set of dishes and glasses. Although I'm definitely keeping my giant plastic mug from Mug Night...too many memories to throw away!

Blind as a bat: I went to the eye doctor this morning to have my normal eye exam and pick up more contacts. Today I found out that my left eye has almost normal vision, but my right eye...I'm one step away from being legally blind (I can still colors and shapes, but trying to distinguish finer details is almost impossible)! Both eyes have changed prescriptions in the past couple years, the left for the better and the right for the does that even happen?!? The doctor also dilated my eyes (which is why I'm typing this in my dark bedroom with the lights off...) but then forgot to give me the blinders for outside...and I didn't have my sunglasses in my purse. I felt like a vampire who had just been exposed to the light for the first time...I immediately covered my eyes and doubled over, people probably thought I was possessed or something. The lady said it would be fine to drive home but I had a hard time keeping my eyes open enough to keep them on the road! I was desperate for some relief so at a stop sign, I looked in the glove box and thankfully my dad, being the predictable man he is (like father, like daughter) had left a pair of his old sunglasses in there! Hallelujah...thank you Dave!!! I was able to finish the drive home without causing any accidents, all while sporting some sweet man shades :)

So there you have it...all of the fun and exciting things that have been going on in my life in the past couple of weeks!